Note: This YOYO is unresponsive, it will not return without a bind. Recommended for intermediate to advance players.
The Epiphanion by C3yoyodesign is a perfect EDC size yoyo for the serious player. Slightly undersized diameter and smooth profile combine to create an enjoyable pocket throw that punched well above its stature.
The Epiphanion is heavily rim weighted and provides predictable bounce for tight technical string play. It's not a one trick pony though, this yoyo can keep up with any modern mono metal yoyo on the market today. The colour ways are striking and stand out from the crowd while remaining true to C3's high quality and style standards.
- Weight - 65.6g
- Diameter - 55.37mm
- Width - 46.13mm
Bearing - Size C
- Response - Slim Pads 19mm OD